Posts in Content writing
Blogging for Humans, Not SEO Overlords

For many years, marketing gurus have advised small business owners and solopreneurs to blog for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). And it’s true that adding expert content containing the right keywords to your website can persuade our Google overlords that you’re an authoritative source who deserves a higher rank in search results. But over-focusing on SEO can also result in a lot of keyword-driven content that lacks personality and human connection. 

SEO isn’t close to being the only reason to blog. There’s a lot of power in blogging, and here’s how you can use it to help your business. 

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The Crudité Conundrum

Is “crudité” a dangerous word? It was for Pennsylvania Senatorial candidate Dr. Oz, whose recent complaints about the high price of crudité failed to help him connect with struggling middle-class Pennsylvania voters. Not only did he fail to connect - his opponent used his words against him to successfully promote his own campaign.

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We Want to Talk to You. Here’s Why

Some content writers rely primarily on fillable forms or brief instructions to learn their clients’ needs. Fill in this form and we’ll come up with a branding statement. Give me a subject and a word count and I’ll write you a blog post. But we’ve found the best way to really understand a client and their needs is through old-fashioned conversation. Here's why.

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What Flavor is Your Cone? Three Ways to Make Your Writing Less Vanilla

Is your business writing like supermarket-brand vanilla ice cream? We’re not knocking a popular flavor. Lots of people love vanilla. But if you’re trying to get people’s attention online, copy that sounds like the popular generic brand everyone else is selling can just melt away untasted, whether it’s a blog post, copy for your website, or the About section of your LinkedIn profile. Flavor matters!

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