Posts tagged small business advice
What Flavor is Your Cone? Three Ways to Make Your Writing Less Vanilla

Is your business writing like supermarket-brand vanilla ice cream? We’re not knocking a popular flavor. Lots of people love vanilla. But if you’re trying to get people’s attention online, copy that sounds like the popular generic brand everyone else is selling can just melt away untasted, whether it’s a blog post, copy for your website, or the About section of your LinkedIn profile. Flavor matters!

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5 Things To Consider When Hiring a Social Media Manager [Social Media Tips]

When we first started Pearl Consulting NYC 3 years ago, we provided organic social media services for our clients. Now we’re more focused on the writing part of the business, so when we help our clients with planning their marketing strategy, part of that is helping them find the best social media managers for their needs. Yes, they can choose to DIY it, but learning the ins and outs of the various platforms takes valuable time away from what they do best.

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