Posts in Web Sites
Three Reasons Why You Need a Copywriting Style Guide More Than You Think

When people hear “style guide” in the context of content marketing, they may immediately think of the kind journalists use, which cover endless grammatical details on how to refer to groups and individuals and whether to use an Oxford comma. But for many businesses, a copywriting style guide is much more far-reaching: it’s a roadmap that directs the voice and tone of your communication.

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Is Design or Content More Important for Your Website? (Hint: it's a trick question)

A web designer we know recently compared having an ugly website with showing up to a presentation in a wrinkled suit. As writers, we hold a similar view of badly written copy on your website. It’s like showing up to a business meeting unprepared and rambling incoherently. Imagine how much easier it is to convince your audience when your appearance and your words are equally impressive.

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